Upcoming - CRS-25

Jun 9th, 2:45PM (UTC+00:00)
A SpaceX Dragon capsule will launch into LEO atop a Falcon 9 rocket from KSC LC 39A, carrying 0 kg of supplies and scientific cargo to the International Space Station.

Starship - Hop Tests

SpaceX is conducting an experimental test program of its future launch vehicle, the Super Heavy/Starship. Incremental hop tests will serve to validate landing procedures for a reusable second stage and a heat shielding technology.

Launch History - Per Year

With an ever-increasing launch cadence, SpaceX has surpassed other launch providers by annual vehicles launched and continues, nearly year-on-year, to set vehicle flight records.

Recovery - Landing History

SpaceX begun its testing of booster landings in 2013. Now landings are almost routine for the public.

Reuse - Most launches

The B1051 booster is the one who flew the most, it was used for these missions: CCtCap Demo Mission 1, RADARSAT Constellation, Starlink-3, Starlink-6, Starlink-9 (v1.0) & BlackSky Global 5-6, Starlink-13 (v1.0), SXM-7, Starlink-16 (v1.0), Starlink-21 (v1.0), Starlink-27 (v1.0), Starlink 4-4 (v1.5), Starlink 4-12 (v1.5).

Payloads - Upmass

SpaceX has launched a total of 1074 metric tons worth of payloads into a variety of orbits, including interplanetary missions. With Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy, SpaceX is able to cover most orbit and mission types. These payloads can have a variety of masses, from the smallest cubesats which can weigh less than 1 kilogram, to huge comsats over 5 tonnes.

Dragon - Missions

Dragon is SpaceX's orbital spacecraft, and has flown 36 times atop of a Falcon 9 rocket. In December 2010, Dragon became the first privately developed spacecraft to be successfully recovered from orbit. Dragon 2 extends Dragon's ability to carry not only cargo, but crew too.

People - Dragonriders

Dragon 2, developed as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) program, flew for the first time in May 2020. 26 different people were sent to space by SpaceX

Timelines - Elon Musk's Bet

In April 2009, Michael S. Malone revealed, while interviewing Elon Musk, that the two had a bet that SpaceX would put a man on Mars by "2020 or 2025". Musk has continued to reiterate this rough timeframe since. This countdown clock expires on 1 January 2026, at 00:00 UTC. No pressure, Elon.